The secret of vertical jump analysis
I will tell you the secret of vertical jump analysis, Click Here*) Don't tell anyone because this secret just for you.
Not only do the muscles of the body perform in a different way depending on the time involved in an activity, but the body actually utilizes different muscles altogether. Your legs contain both “fast-twitch” and “slow-twitch” muscle fibers. The slow-twitch muscle fibers are utilized in running, walking, swimming and so on. The fast-twitch muscle fibers perform tasks like throwing a punch, sprinting from a standing position, throwing a football and of course, vertical jumping. If the muscles are in use for more than eight seconds, this is when the slow-twitch fibers take effect. Read also vertical jump increase.
What you get after read vertical jump analysis
If you’re looking to improve your basketball game and you’ve never heard of plyometric workouts, you’ve been missing out on a great way to take your jumping and dunking skills to the next level. This article will fill you in on what plyometric workouts are all about, give a few specific examples of this method of exercise, and show you why it’s an important addition to any serious basketball player’s workout regime.If you’re looking for techniques on how to jump higher in basketball, this article will discuss the style of training that can help you get there, as well as a few specific examples of exercises you can use. It will also discuss how these exercises can help you become an all-star ball player.
It's not enough until you read vertical jump increase.
An important point in the process of learning how to jump higher to dunk is to have a pair of good shoes. The high-quality shoes could improve the jump and more importantly, they could prevent you from injuries when you land.